An innovative energy solution brings light to communities

Project Lumière enables community groups to purchase a pedal-powered generator and fast-charging LED lights to sell within their community. The LED lights, powered by the bicycles, provide light for a household for up to 10 days. Project Lumière is providing a quality and affordable solution for the users, and at the same time, creating a sustainable sources of income for many families and new jobs linked to renewable energy.


UNICEF is working to test and scale programs that will combat Burundi’s energy crisis in partnering with a local micro-finance NGO, FVS-Amade to help develop a national social enterprise to manage, procure and distribute rechargeable lights, and, in the future, other affordable micro-energy technologies, including solar.!

It's beautiful and practical

Low-cost efficient pedal-powered lights recharged by microentrepreneurs.

Nuru Energy has developed a rechargeable light and pedal charger. Microentrepreneur shopkeepers buy a charger and set of lights which are sold to shop customers, who then pay to have the lights recharged with the generator.

Easy to charge and use

A modular pedal-rechargeable directional LED light. It can be hung or placed on a table or desk, or carried around, or several lights can be put together to form a larger system. It has a 4 position switch for different levels of light. The Nuru Light is rechargeable by the POWERCycle!